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One-to-one nursing

One-to-one nursing

At South City Hospital we prize our nursing staff as they form the backbone of health care delivery. In particular we pride ourselves on our ability to offer one-to-one nursing for patients who request it. 

Central Nursing Stations: where to find a nurse
We have a nursing supervisor round the clock. At any point if you feel you need to speak to them just dial 0 and ask to be put through to the nursing supervisor.

You can locate our nurses at the Central Nursing Stations on each floor. Our Unit Receptionists (in blue uniforms) are happy to help with any small administrative issues. Please note that our Ward Boys are on duty to help transport your patient, move equipment and fetch prescription medication from the in-patient pharmacy on the fourth floor.

You will be given a call bell at your bedside which you can use whenever you need. A call bell is located in the washroom as well. We have a soundless paging system to minimize noise levels.Levels of care
At South City Hospital, we pride ourselves on providing nursing care at minimal patient ratios in comparison to international standards. This means that we generally assign one nurse for three patients at SCH (1:3). Internationally, the ratio is one is to six (1:6).Of course the ratios vary according to the type of patient but we generally set them lower than other healthcare establishments in Karachi:General ward 1:4 | Other places 1:8
Semi-private 1:3 | Other places 1:6
Private 1:3 | Other places 1:5
VIP 1:1 | Other places 1:2

Critical Care nursing

These specialized nurses work mainly in the intensive care units such as the ICU, SICU and HDU. We assign one nurse per patient, which is the international standard.

Our ICU nurses have postgraduate training in critical care nursing with hands on experience. We do not place fresh staff here. In addition to this, every critical care nurse is teamed up with auxiliary care staff such as nursing assistants and critical care technicians for supportive care of patients. They are experts in handling the equipment such as ventilators, bipaps and defibrillators, monitors etc.

In the technical environment of the critical care units, our nurses are dedicated to giving supportive loving care to the patients and their families. Our visitor’s lounge, which is located close to the ICU, helps us maintain that relationship. It allows the nurses to continuously update family members, for example. We thus apply the principle of holistic nursing, which integrates the family and the community from which the patient has come.1. Our nurses will also train and facilitate families on how to care for the patient after they are discharged from the ICU and go home. They may need the assistance of certain equipment, for example bipaps, which we will help you understand how to operate.2. If the patient is discharged from the ICU and transferred to a room, the same ICU staff is assigned to care for them for the next 48 hours in order to maintain continuity of care. This helps the patient safely transition from critical care.

We endeavor to provide this level of care because we understand that the patient develops a rapport and comfort level with the ICU nurses. We do not want them to have to go through the entire process again in the room.Neonatal nursing
Our nurses are experts in the care of neonatal patients (babies less than one month old). These nurses are trained in neonatal ventilation, incubator care, phototherapy care, handling premature babies (who are delivered before 36 weeks).

One of the major roles neonatal nurses play is training and advising the new mother in the care of their baby. They will, for example, train them how to breastfeed correctly, manage their baby’s hygiene. We also train fathers on how to take care of the baby and help the new mother.Obstetrics and Gynaecology nursing
Our nurses and midwives help you through your labour when they will continuously monitor the baby. They will be at hand to provide relief and assist with pain management such as epidurals. After your baby is born they will counsel you on how to take care of your body and stitches, if any.Medical/Surgical nursing
This is a generalized group of nurses who are experts in dealing with pre- and post-surgery patients. They also provide preventive care to patients such as doing a range of motion exercises, continuous positioning and turning of patients, backrubs to prevent bed sores, hygiene care from start to finish, skin preparations for surgery.

They help families learn about how to do a dressing or how to feed a patient through a tube.

Please respect our nursing staff. We do not tolerate any kind of abuse. For any problems please ask to speak with a supervisor or manager.

Maria Chohan
Nurse Manager Clinical

(+9221) 3586 62301 to 02
(+9221) 3537 4072 to 75
