Our comprehensive rapid diagnostic Breast care service includes:
Breast screening and assessment of abnormalities
Breast screening incorporates clinical assessment and examination by an experienced consultant breast surgeon, plus mammography and ultrasound imaging. Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) or Core Biopsy can also be undertaken by the consultant. Localization and surgical excision are also available, if necessary.
Symptomatic lump assessment
Our clinic is structured around the rapid assessment of lumps by clinical examination, ultrasound or mammography, FNAC, and Core Biopsy if required.
Cosmetic surgery
We offer a complete range of cosmetic procedures, including Mastopexy (breast uplift), augmentation (enlargement), reduction, nipple reconstruction, and correction of congenital deformities.
Reconstructive surgery
We offer surgical operations to restore the shape of the breast following a mastectomy, matching the remaining breast as closely as possible. This can be done either as an immediate reconstruction at the same time as the mastectomy operation or at a later date.
The one-stop daycare surgery center
Our day surgery is designed is to provide one-stop treatment, where appropriate, in a comfortable and friendly setting.
The center offers same-day consultations and minor operations under local anesthetic. The emphasis is on patient care while keeping administration to a minimum and this also ensures that charges are lower.
We do the following procedures in daycare:
Our Breast surgeons are: